So, I decided to have a little fun skylarking around with idiosyncratic interpretations of the movie Blade. You're welcome. Let's start with that odd character Blade. He has a dual nature, being human and vampiric. In this sense, he's like a mythical god-man, and is thus an ideal for what vampires should strive to be (and thus resembles Christ, the ideal man). But he's also a vigilante, named for a sword, and so reflects the idea of ultimate (or divine) justice being handed out: the vampires are never given a way out, but are rooted out as if irredeemable. All fairly standard mythical themes. So, I went down another line of analysis, that of power. The vampires represent the powerful and gifted members of society: they control all the institutions and are blessed with extraordinary strength and agility, although Blade is the only one who refrains from exploiting others with his powers. Is this, then, a film about power and whether it can ever truly be used...